Name: Misty Waterflower (Presumed surname)
Japanese name: Kasumi
Japanese translation: Mist (Mist, Misty, get it?)
Age: 10 (heard she declared herself this age in a Japanese episode) or 12 (declared herself this age in the Pok�mon Comic)
Hair: Red orange
Eyes: Blue
Hometown: Cerulean City
Likes: Romance, French things, water, cute Pok�mon
Dislikes: bugs, carrots, peppers
Pok�mon: Staryu, Starmie, Goldeen, Horsea, Psyduck, Togepi
Pok�mon she wants: (Ones she has specifically wished for) Lapras, Tentacruel, Vaporeon, Jigglypuff, Oddish
Rivals: possibly her older sisters
Goal: Misty is unsure of her goal as of yet

Misty is one of the leaders of Cerulean Gym. The other leaders are her sisters, who don't look like her, are older, and are famous. The blonde is named Daisy, but the other two's names weren't mentioned, but in the comic their names are Violet and Lily. They are more concerned about their looks than about their Pok�mon, and they are also mean to Misty, calling her a runt.

Misty has many different moods. She can be kind and motherly (usually around Togepi), rough and mean (usually around Ash), and she can be very childish (usually around ice cream, I can relate with that?). Misty is sometimes smarter than Ash or Brock, or at least sees things more clearly. She is extremely talented with Pok�mon, usually being able to calm down angry ones, and knowing most Pok�mon's attacks.